Tuesday 18 March 2014

BioNrg Diabetec Tumbler

Herbal Diabetic Tumbler:-

Effects of Vijaysar herb in Diabetes is well documented in clinical trials and is found to reduce Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) & Post Prandial blood sugar (PBS). It also prevents development of long term complications of diabetes.

Vijaysar is a reputed herb used in Ayurveda & other traditional systems in the treatment of Diabetes.It is a rich source of Pterosupin, Pterostilbene, Marsupsin & (-)–Epicatechin which are identified as blood sugar lowering compounds.

The aqueous infusion of the wooden core of the Vijaysar tree has been found to reduce glucose absorption from the gastrointestinal tract & improve insulin and pro-insulin levels. Our product, the Vijaysar Herbal Wooden Tumbler, makes this for you when you pour normal drinking water in it.

It is known to be effective in the regeneration of beta cells of the pancreas which help in the production of insulin naturally. It also reduces cardinal symptoms of diabetes like Polyuria (production of large volumes of urine.), Polyphagia (Gluttonous excessive eating), Polydipsia (abnormally intense thirsts), burning pains in limbs and general weakness. It also effectively reduces cholesterol.

It is found to reduce Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) & Post Postprandial blood sugar (PBS). It prevents development of long term complications of diabetes. Effects of Vijaysar herb is well documented in clinical trials.

Vijaysar Diabetes Control Tumbler is made from 100% Pure Vijaysar Herbal Wood (Indian Kino / Pterocarpus Marsupium).

How to Use Vijaysar Herbal Wood Tumbler :

Wash the tumbler thoroughly.

Pour drinking water (Approx. 100 ml) in Vijaysar Herbal Wooden Tumblers at night .After 8-10 hours the water will turn brown in colour. Consume this coloured water 10-15 minutes before breakfast. Once again pour drinking water in tumbler and consume it 10-15 minutes before dinner.

Repeat the use of Vijaysar Herbal Wooden Tumbler continuously for 30 days and when the colour of water stops changing, scratch the inside of the glass carefully without hurting yourself and use again for 7-15 days.


Diabetes, Overweight, High BP & Joint Pain.

For order : info@bionrg.in

Organic Chamomile Tea - 22 Benefits

Chamomile tea is golden in colour and has a delectable, fruity flavour. This scrumptious herbal remedy provides solution to several heath related concerns such as intestinal & stomach disorders, anxiety, insomnia, mouth ulcers and so on. Furthermore, it has countless beauty benefits too.

***Chamomile Tea: Skin Benefits

1. Chamomile tea is innately instilled with amazing healing, anti-oxidant, cleansing and moisturizing properties and is considered a full fledge skincare treatment.

2. Infused with great healing properties, chamomile tea accelerates the healing process of minor wounds and also disinfects the wounds.

3. Chamomile tea is an excellent all-natural skin bleach. It lightens your complexion and renders it a healthy glow naturally.

4. It is found to be very effective in soothing skin irritation and sunburns.

5. This magic potion is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help you fight acne and breakouts. It also works wonders to eliminate acne scars.

6. It protects your skin from free radical damage, a chief contributor to premature aging, hence help retaining your youthful charm for long.

7. Placing cooled down chamomile tea bags under the eyes can help reducing under-eye dark circles and eye puffiness. It also soothes your tired eyes.

8. When blended with powdered milk, chamomile tea provides you a great body and facial scrub. It sloughs off the dead, dry skin cells revealing the underlying cells which are new.

9. If consumed on a regular basis, chamomile tea nourishes and moisturizes your skin from deep inside. You may also want to use chamomile in your homemade beauty recipes to draw its beauty benefits.

***Chamomile Tea: Hair Benefits

Chamomile tea has much to offer for hair care as well. Some of the best advantages of this herbal drink are as follows:

10. A chamomile tea rinse brightens up the blonde hair instantly. If combined with henna, it makes natural highlights for dark hair as well.

11. It is a wonderful hair lightener. Using chamomile tea as final hair rinse adds a stunning bright-golden light to the brown hair. Use the treatment regularly to lighten your hair gradually.

12. Chamomile is also found to be highly effectual in preventing and eliminating dandruff. In addition, it also soothes irritated scalp.

Chamomile Tea: Health Benefits

13. Chamomile tea has muscle relaxing properties. It relaxes muscles of the uterus and gives relief from menstrual cramps. It increases glycine which reduces muscle spasms. Though too much of chamomile tea can upset the stomach too. So in proper amounts, it can help you get relieved from stomach cramps during menstrual cycles.

Since it has muscle relaxing properties, a cup of chamomile tea after a hard day’s work can relieve stress too.

14. Chamomile tea can be taken on a regular basis in proper amounts as it can help you sooth down the pains from stomach ulcers. If you have gone through an operation following a stomach stone formation, then having chamomile tea after having food or as directed by your physician, can help you stay away from re-formation of stones.

15.Chamomile has anti-bacterial properties. It therefore increases the immune power of a person. Chamomile tea taken during cold and cough helps a person recuperate from it faster.

16. Chamomile tea helps maintain blood glucose levels and therefore it helps in controlling diabetes mellitus symptoms. Ask you physician for an effective dosage of chamomile tea.

17. Chamomile tea can be packed into small plastic packets or into compressors or even made into ice cubes and used on tired eyes for treating dark circles or sunken eye problems.

18. Chamomile tea can be used to treat hemorrhoids by application of cooled chamomile tea for a soothing sensation.

19. It reduces gas formation. It also helps you get rid of heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome.

20. A cotton ball can be dipped into cool chamomile tea and used on to rashes which appear on the back during summers. Chamomile tea when consumed internally can sooth the system totally and helps you get rid of allergic symptoms.

21. Regular intake of chamomile tea can help you get rid of migraines.

22. Chamomile tea has sedating properties. Regular intake of chamomile tea can help you get good sleep and can give you relief from troubled sleep.16. Chamomile tea helps maintain blood glucose levels and therefore it helps in controlling diabetes mellitus symptoms. Ask you physician for an effective dosage of chamomile tea.

17. Chamomile tea can be packed into small plastic packets or into compressors or even made into ice cubes and used on tired eyes for treating dark circles or sunken eye problems.

18. Chamomile tea can be used to treat hemorrhoids by application of cooled chamomile tea for a soothing sensation.

19. It reduces gas formation. It also helps you get rid of heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome.

20. A cotton ball can be dipped into cool chamomile tea and used on to rashes which appear on the back during summers. Chamomile tea when consumed internally can sooth the system totally and helps you get rid of allergic symptoms.

21. Regular intake of chamomile tea can help you get rid of migraines.

22. Chamomile tea has sedating properties. Regular intake of chamomile tea can help you get good sleep and can give you relief from troubled sleep.

*** Chamomile Tea: Selection and Storage

While buying chamomile tea from a grocery-store or herbalist, always look for products formulated from whole flower head. This will ensure you reap most of the benefits out of it.
It is also a great idea to prepare your own chamomile tea.
Preserve chamomile tea in an airtight jar and store in a dry place. Keep away from direct sun.

***Chamomile Tea: Usage Tips

Chamomile tea can be easy brewed following a few simple steps.
First of all, warm up your tea pot by pouring some boiling water into it and then add some apple slices, mashing it with a wooden spoon.

Afterwards, add some pre-washed chamomile flowers to the pot and pour-in two cups of boiling water.

Cover the pot and let the flowers steep for a couple of minutes.
Strain the tea and add some lemon juice or honey for added taste.
The best time of drinking this herbal tea is almost an hour before bed time. This will help you to sleep peacefully besides offering other health and beauty benefits.

Place Order @ info@bionrg.in

Bis Tea o Organic Moringa Gras

** (Here are the benefits of continuous intake of Moringa Tea)

1. Increases the Natural Defenses of the body.
2. Provides nourishment to the eyes and the brain.
3. Promotes metabolism with bio-available ingredients.
4. Promotes the Cell structure of the body.
5. Promotes natural Serum cholesterol.
6. Lowers the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
7. Promotes the normal functioning of the liver and the kidney.
8. Beautifies the skin.
9. Promotes energy.
10. Promotes proper digestion.
11. Acts as an antioxidant.
12. Takes care of the immune system of the body.
13. Promotes healthy circulatory system.
14. It is an anti-inflammatory.
15. Gives a feeling of general wellness.
16. Supports the normal sugar levels of the body.

Place order @ info@bionrg.in