Thursday 11 July 2013

3 Easy Ways To Lose Weight, Look Younger & Enhance health

The world we live in today — with its chemicals, toxins and processed foods — is taking a toll on our health and how we look. In the last 50 years we've seen the rise of genetical
ly modified foods and toxins, our soil depleted of its nutrients, and the degradation of the standard American diet. These factors have created a perfect storm, increasing free radical production and systemic inflammation, which leads to accelerated aging and chronic disease.

There's no reason why we can not live 80 to 100 disease-free, healthy years.

Here are three things you will want to do to live the long, healthy, abundant life you were meant to live!

1. Start burst training.

Burst training, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), naturally increases human growth hormone (HGH), which has strong anti-aging and fat-burning effects on the body!

There are different ways to do burst training, but here's the technique that I use:

Step 1: Warm up for 3-5 minutes.

Step 2: Run, bike, or swim 90 percent of your capacity for 30-60 seconds.

Step 3: Rest by slow jogging for 1-2 minutes.

Step 4: Repeat the sprint and rest between 3-7 times.

Do burst training every other day, because your anti-aging and fat-burning hormones are doing their work through the next day!

To boost your fat burning and anti-aging hormones to the highest level possible, consume foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and protein after your workout. Studies show waiting to eat 1 to 2 hours after workout enhances HGH naturally! Burst Training is quick, easy and it beats spending hours in the gym.

2. Increase your glutathione levels.

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that our bodies need to stay young and healthy. Low levels of glutathione have been linked to chronic conditions such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes and accelerated aging.

Some of the top foods that can support the healthy glutathione levels are:-

* Avocado
* Asparagus
* Broccoli
* Garlic
* Grapefruit
* Spinach
* Tomatoes
* Turmeric

3. Avoid refined sugars and processed grains.

This is the hardest step for most people — partly because sugar is so addictive — but it's essential to reversing the aging process. Wheat, white rice, and foods with refined sugar all increase your insulin levels which will lead to premature aging, inflammation and chronic disease.

Try these great alternatives to try so you can look and feel your best:

* Coconut flour
* Almond flour
* Hazelnut Flour

Customized Solutions:

What works for one person may not be right for the next. I consult people all around the world, comprehensively looking at underlying health issues and designing a program to reverse chronic disease and maximize health.

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