Sunday 30 December 2012



गाजर को उसके प्राकृतिक रूप यानी कच्चा खाना लाभदायक होता है। भीतर का पीलापन भाग नहीं खाना चाहिए। क्योंकि, वह अत्यघिक गरम होता है। इससे छाती में जलन होती है।

- शिवरात्री तक गाजर का सेवन लाभकारी है।

- गाजर के रस का एक गिलास पूर्ण भोजन है। इसके सेवन से रक्त में वृद्धि होती है।

- यह पीलिया की प्राकृतिक औषधि है। इसका सेवन ल्यूकेमिया (ब्लड कैंसर ) और पेट के कैंसर में भी लाभदायक है। इसके सेवन से कोषों और धमनियों को संजीवन मिलता है। गाजर में बिटा-केरोटिन नामक औषधीय तत्व होता है, जो कैंसर पर नियंत्रण करने में उपयोगी है।

- गाजर ह्दय के लिए लाभकारी, रक्तको शुद्ध करने वाली, वातदोषनाशक, पुष्टिवर्द्धक तथा दिमाग और नस-नाडि़यों के लिए बलवर्घक, बवासीर, पेट के रोगों, सूजन, पथरी तथा दुर्बलता का नाश करने वाली है।

- गाजर के बीज गरम होते हैं। अत: गर्भवती महिलाओं को उनका प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए।

- कैल्शियम और केरोटीन की प्रचुर मात्रा होने के कारण छोटे बच्चों के लिए यह उत्तम आहार है। गाजर से आंतों के हानिकारक कीड़े नष्ट हो जाते हैं।

- इसमें विटामिन ए काफी मात्रा में पाया जाता है। यह नेत्र रोगों में लाभदायक है।

- गाजर रक्तको शुद्ध करने वाली होती है। 10-15 दिन गाजर का रस पीने से रक्तविकार, गांठ, सूजन और त्वचा के रोगों में लाभ मिलता है इसमें लौहतत्व भी अत्यघिक मात्रा में पाया जाता है। गाजर खूब चबा-चबा कर खाने से दांत भी मजबूत, स्वच्छ और चमकीले होते हैं। मसूढ़े मजबूत होते हैं।

- रोजाना गाजर का रस पीने से दिमागी कमजोरी दूर होती है।

- गाजर को कद्दूकस करके नमक मिलाकर खाने से खाज-खुजली में फायदा होता है।

- गाजर के रस में नमक, घनिया पत्ती, जीरा, काली मिर्च, नीबू का रस डालकर पीने से पाचन संबंघी गड़बड़ी दूर होती है।

- ह्दय की कमजोरी अथवा घड़कनें बढ़ जाने पर गाजर को भूनकर खाने पर लाभ होता है।

- गर्मी में गाजर का मुरब्बा दिमाग के लिए फायदेमंद होता है।



Vitamins are molecules that are needed in small amounts by the body for health and growth, and they must be obtained by the diet daily. The exceptions to this rule are vitamin D, which is made in the skin when exposed to sunlight and vitamin K, which can be synthesized by gut bacteria in small amounts. Vitamins play an essential role in releasing energy from food and in speeding up many chemical reactions that occur in the body every second. They also play important roles in the formation of body components, such as blood and bone as well as being antioxidants.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for a variety of functions including vision, skin health and new cell growth. Good sources include tomatoes and dark green and orange vegetables and orange fruits, such as broccoli, spinach, carrots, pumpkin and apricots.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

Vitamin B1 is needed for energy metabolism and the proper functioning of the nervous system. Good sources include whole grains, soybeans, peas, beans, pistachio nuts.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 is needed for energy metabolism, tissue growth, and maintaining good vision. Good sources include dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurts), broccoli, spinach, mushrooms and eggs.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3 is needed for energy metabolism, proper digestion, and a healthy nervous system. Good sources include kidney beans, peanuts, mushrooms, milk, cheese, chicken and salmon.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 is needed for amino acid metabolism, cognitive function and immune function. Good sources include whole grains, spinach, broccoli, carrots banana and yoghurt.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin required by the body to make red blood cells and DNA. It is also needed to make a protective layer around nerve cells. This vitamin is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, dairy products and eggs. There are some plant sources of vitamin B12, however the form of the vitamin found in these foods is inactive and not useful to the body. People who only eat plant foods (i.e. vegans) should include adequate amounts of plant foods that contain added vitamin B12 (e.g. fortified soy drinks and soy-based meat-alternative products), or take a B12 supplement.

Folate (Folic acid)

Folate is a B vitamin, essential for all the family, as it has an important role in the development of all body cells. It is especially important during periods of rapid growth. All women planning pregnancy or who might become pregnant should increase their intake of folate. This is because an adequate folate intake in the month before and the first three months of pregnancy may reduce the risk of babies being born with certain birth defects, such as Spina Bifida. Good sources of folate include fortified breakfast cereals and breads, dark green leafy vegetables, some fruits and juices (e.g. bananas, oranges and rockmelon), legumes (e.g. chickpeas) and nuts (such as peanuts).

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin needed for the formation of collagen to hold the cells together and for healthy teeth, gums and blood vessels. It also improves iron absorption and resistance to infection. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes absorption and use of calcium and phosphate for healthy bones and teeth. The body synthesizes vitamin D when our skin is exposed to at least 10-15 minutes sunshine per day. Longer time is required in winter months and in those with darker skin tones. Food sources include fortified milk, cheese, whole eggs, liver, salmon, and fortified margarine.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that can help protect the body's cells against damage. Food sources of vitamin E include wholegrain products, nuts and seeds, wheatgerm and vegetable oils.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is necessary for normal blood clotting and synthesis of proteins found in the bone and kidneys. About half of individual’s vitamin K requirements come from bacteria that reside in the gastrointestinal tract. The other half can be obtained from foods such as leafy green vegetables and cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage.

Amino Acids:-

Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins. There are 20 different amino acids that combine in different sequences to make all the proteins required for metabolism and growth. Our body can manufacture 12 of these amino acids from recycled proteins; however the other eight need to be derived from the food we eat.


Antioxidants assist in protecting your body against the damage caused by free radicals by neutralizing them. Free radicals are very reactive compounds formed in the body due to both external factors such as smoking, exposure to the sun, air pollution and internal factors such as the body's normal metabolic processes and the immune system. Free radicals can attack healthy cells in the body leading to cataract development and other conditions of aging. They are also thought to be involved in the development of many diseases including cardiovascular disease and cancer. The body makes its own antioxidants, but also makes extensive use of dietary antioxidants. Dietary antioxidants include:

Vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene (which is converted to vitamin A in the body) Minerals such as selenium, zinc and copper.

Phytochemicals (natural plant compounds) such as carotenoids (e.g. beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein), flavonoids and isoflavones.


Calories are a measurement of energy. One calorie is equivalent to 4.18 kJ.

Carbohydrates are the most readily converted energy source. Good sources include rice, bread, cereal, legumes, fruits and vegetables which also provide important nutrients. Additional carbohydrate sources include refined sugars, which do provide instant energy but unfortunately don't offer the nutrients that the more complex sources of carbohydrates do.

Complete proteins

Complete proteins are foods that contain all the essential amino acids in levels required by the body and do not require other foods to supply any.


Energy is the fuel we need from food to function and be active. Energy requirements vary depending on your age, body size and physical activity. It’s important to monitor your energy consumption as too much energy can lead to weight gain. Fat, protein and carbohydrates all provide energy (known as kilojoules or calories) in the foods we eat. Fats provide more energy per gram than protein or carbohydrates.


Enzymes are substances that speed up chemical reactions. For example, in our body some enzymes help break down the food we eat and release energy.

Essential amino acids

Essential amino acids are the amino acids that the body cannot synthesise itself in sufficient quantities for physiological needs and must therefore be acquired from the diet. There are 8 essential amino acids required for adults and 9 for children.

Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids are the fatty acids that the body cannot synthesise itself in sufficient quantities for physiological needs and must therefore be acquired from the diet. There are 2 essential fatty acids; linoleic acid which is an omega-6 and linolenic acid which is an omega-3 fat.


Fats (or lipids) are an essential source of energy in the diet as they: is a carrier for the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)

form part of cell membranes provide a very concentrated source of energy provide the starting ingredient for some hormones provide essential fatty acids which our body cannot produce

However fat should be eaten sparingly as too much can lead to weight gain, heart disease and some cancers. The type of fat eaten is also important:

Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats -

(good) can help reduce cholesterol. They are found in sunflower, olive, canola oils and margarine as well as many nuts, seeds and soy foods. Omega -3 is an important polyunsaturated fat found in fatty fish such as salmon and in the ancient wholegrain Salba.

Saturated and trans fats -

('bad') can raise cholesterol levels and therefore increase your risk of heart disease. Saturated fats are present in many foods and are generally found in higher amounts in animal-based products and commercially baked products. Trans fats can be found in margarine and baked goods such as biscuits and pastries. It is best to eat less of foods that are high in saturated fats and trans fats, or to select lean or low-fat alternatives.

Fat (saturated)

Saturated fat is fat that consists of triglycerides containing only saturated fatty acid radicals. There are several kinds of naturally occurring saturated fatty acids, which differ by the number of carbon atoms, ranging from 3 carbons (propionic acid) to 36 (Hexatriacontanoic acid). Saturated fatty acids have no double bonds between the carbon atoms of the fatty acid chain and are thus fully saturated with hydrogen atoms.


Fibre plays a key role in preventing constipation, cancer and heart disease. Wholegrain breads, cereals, legumes, rice, pasta, fruit and vegetables are good sources of fibre. There are a number of different types of dietary fibre. The three major types are soluble fibre, insoluble fibre and resistant starch. (Although it is not actually a fibre, resistant starch is now being recognized as a member of the ‘fibre family’ due to its similar effects on the body.)


Soluble fibre is beneficial to help lower blood cholesterol levels and, in people with diabetes, helps to control blood sugar. Soluble fibre is found in fruits, vegetables, dried peas, soybeans, lentils, oats, rice and barley.


Because of its ‘bulking properties’, insoluble fibre helps keep us ‘regular’. Foods containing insoluble fibre include wholegrain and wholemeal wheat-based breads, cereals and pasta.


Resistant starch is a type of starch found in plant foods that escapes digestion in the small intestine. Resistant starch may provide similar benefits to other types of fibre, such as helping to prevent constipation. Foods containing resistant starch include firm bananas, roasted chickpeas, boiled long grain white rice, baked beans, cooked and cooled potato, as well as cornflakes.


Iron helps create healthy blood and carries oxygen around the body. Iron is found in legumes, wholegrain breads and cereals, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and meat.


Macro-nutrients are the key nutrients in the diet that provide us with energy. They are carbohydrate, protein and fat.


Metabolism refers to the chemical processes that occur in our body that turn what we eat into energy. This energy can then be used for all activity including walking, talking, thinking and breathing.


Micro-nutrients is the general name given to compounds that are needed in minute quantities to sustain a healthy body, such as vitamins and minerals.


Minerals are important for the formation of bones, teeth, blood and connective tissues. They play important roles in chemical reactions, as they are a component of enzymes. Minerals also regulate water balance, muscle contractions and nerve transmissions. They are required in the body in small amounts and must be obtained from food.


Potassium and sodium work together in the body to regulate the balance between water and acidity in the blood. Potassium is also important for nerve function to the muscles which causes muscles (including the heart) to contract. If there is a deficiency in potassium, heart rhythm can be altered. Potassium can be found in fruits, vegetables, grain foods, meats and milk.


Protein is important for growth of body cells and makes up virtually every part of the body. Protein can be found in dried peas, soy and baked beans, peanut butter, nuts, eggs, cheese, lean meat, fish and whole grains.


Sodium is an electrolyte that helps maintain acid-base balance of the blood, helps regulate blood pressure and water balance in cells and aids in muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission. However, too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and stroke. Highly processed foods such as crisps and processed meats usually contain large amounts of sodium.


Zinc is an essential mineral for human beings and is part of many reactions in the body. It plays a role in wound healing, our ability to taste and in growth and reproduction. Good plant sources of zinc include rolled oats, unprocessed bran, rice, muesli, wholegrain breads and cereals. Zinc is also found in a range of animal foods including oysters, beef and offal, with smaller amounts present in white meat and fish.

Saturday 29 December 2012

Alkaline Diet (Miracles)

 Alkaline Diet (Miracles)
Cells and tissues are building blocks of our body. These are made of 16 chemical elements. Balance between these chemical elements in body is essential for achieving a good health. Acid-alkali balance in body helps in keeping body chemistry balanced. The acid-alkaline balance in the body is 20:80.

For a normal healthy individual, blood reaction is alkaline in nature which  is important for physical and mental health. The blood is alkaline due to the fact that main products of digestion of carbohydrates and fats are carbon dioxide, gas and water. Normally carbohydrates and fats constitute approx. 90% of body fuel. Of remaining 10%, 5% is also converted into carbon dioxide, water and gas. Therefore, blood gets a large amount of acid to be transported to points of discharge of body such as lungs. Since blood  is alkaline it is able to transport this acid from tissue to lungs etc.   

Acidosis or Hypo-alkalinity of blood: Ability of blood to carry carbon dioxide gets reduced when blood alkalinity goes down even slightly. As a result acid gets accumulated in tissues resulting in a condition called Acidosis or Hypo-alkalinity of blood.

Symptoms of acidosis or Hypo-alkalinity of blood: Burning sensation, hunger, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, pharynx. Acidosis is root to most other diseases. Rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, various degenerative diseases, Nephritis or Bright's disease could develop on Acidosis. Hypo-alkalinity of blood interferes with normal functioning of various organs and glands thus increases chances of attaining diseases.
Causes of Acidosis or Hypo-alkalinity: Primary cause of Acidosis or Hypo-alkalinity is inappropriate diet containing several acid-forming foods. As discussed earlier, body generates several acids in process of metabolism. Acids consumed in diet add to these acids substantially increasing acids in the body.When these acids do not get properly ejected out of body through lungs,  kidney and bowels, blood alkalinity goes down and results in Acidosis. Other causes of Acidosis include decline in alkalinity caused by diseases such as cholera, dysentery, diarrhea etc. Accumulation of acetone bodies in the system due to diabetes, vomiting, starvation etc also result in acidosis.

Naturopathy for Acidosis: One must strive to maintain a balance between acid-alkaline foods consumed. Food items that leave alkaline ash help in increasing blood alkalinity. Non-vegetarian food items (flesh-based diets) leave acidic ash and lower the alkaline nature of blood. Eggs also lower alkalinity of blood but to a lesser extent than flesh based diet. Cereals, breads do the same but to a much less extent. Foods which increase alkalinity of blood include fresh fruits such as plum, prunes and green & root vegetables.
One must design daily diet in such a way as to consume 80% alkaline-making food items such as fresh fruits, legumes, root vegetables and 20% acid-forming foods such as fish, meat, cereals, bread. Establishing a good pH balance will help one maintain a good health. In condition of acidosis, one must consume more alkaline-forming food items for faster recovery.

The easiest way to alkalize diet is to drink fruit juices and eat citrus fruits. Citrus fruits contain a good proportion alkaline salts such as potash.

Alkaline-forming Food Items: Melons, Milk, Onions, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radishes, Raisins, Almonds, Apples, Ripe Bananas, Beets Cabbage, Coconuts, Cottage Cheese, Dates, Figs, Grapes, Lemons, Lettuce, Apricots, Turnips, Tomatoes, Soya beans, Spinach, Parsley.

Acid-forming food items: Meats, Eggs, Grains, Nuts except almonds, bread, Cereals, Unripe Bananas, Barley, Beans, Cakes, Chicken, Corn, Chocolate, Oatmeal, Coffee, Sea Foods, Sugar, Rice, Peas, Tea.

Cheers to LiFE

Naturopathy for Arthritis

Naturopathy for Arthritis

Degeneration of joint leads to a condition called Arthritis; it is accompanied with joint pain. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of Arthritis and may be due to poor diet, infections, trauma and overuse of joints. This progressive disorder occurs due to degeneration of hyaline cartilage which allows movement of joints. This condition occurs in both men and women, and occurs naturally as we age. Changes in joints may happen to individuals when they are still in their 20s/30s, and symptoms may become frequent by their 50s/60s.

Arthritis Symptoms: Swelling, Pain, noise from joints upon movement, morning stiffness, restricted mobility.

Arthritis affected Parts: Shoulders, fingers, knees, spine and hips. Arthritis is commonly asymmetrical - it affects joints only on one side.   

Nutrition for Arthritis: Good nutrition helps in repairing damaged tissues. Eliminating food from the nightshade family which includes eggplant, tomatoes, peppers and tobacco, may also be beneficial. These food items contain alkaloids that may increase inflammation and interfere with joint repair. Excessive weight puts pressure on joints therefore losing weight is beneficial in condition of Arthiritis. Consumption of celery, kale, artichoke, turnip greens,lettuce, mustard greens, black mission figs, millet, barley, almonds, cherries, pineapple, blackberries, black currants, limes, olive oil, and gelatin may be beneficial.

Foods to avoid in Arthritis: Lowering consumption of sugar, junk food, dairy products, caffeine, refined foods, rhubarb, fried foods, spinach, asparagus, and the nightshade family may help in condition of Arthritis. Recognizing diet sensitivities and eliminating food sensitivities from diet helps.

Drink sufficient water: Consuming at least 1/2 ounce water per pound of body weight is recommended in condition of arthritis.
Alfalfa (Medicago saliva) for Arthritis: Tea made of Alfa alfa seeds helps to alkalize residues of food in the body, this helps in condition of Arthritis. Consuming six to seven cupfuls of Alfa Alfa tea everyday for at least two weeks is recommended.
Celery for Arthritis: Celery is rich in organic sodium which helps in keeping lime and magnesia in solution form and hence relieves joint deposits. Celery should be consumed in form of fresh juice extracted from its leaves and stem.
Herbs for Osteoarthritis: Black Cohosh, Burdock, Chaparral, Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), Juniper, Yucca are used for treatment of Osteoarthritis. Black Cohosh, Chaparral, Devil's Claw and Yucca have anti-inflammatory properties. Please note that Juniper may cause kidney irritation. It must not be used continuously for more than 6 weeks.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic illness characterized by inflammation of joints and surrounding tissues. In addition to affecting hips, knees, fingers and wrists, this type of arthritis also affects tendons, tissues and muscles. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune illness in which immune system targets the healthy tissue of the body by mistake. The condition occurs due to inflammation of linings of joints which is accompanied by swelling and possible deformity of joints. The condition of Rheumatoid arthritis can affect in any age but the disease commonly affects in middle age. Causes of Rheumatoid arthritis disease are unknown. The disease may be linked to hormones, infection and genes. Women are more prone to Rheumatoid arthritis than men. 

Symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis: Joint pain (both sides of the body are equally impacted), morning stiffness, fatigue, under skin bumps/nodules, stiffness, numbness, tingling, burning sensation in hands and feet, burning eyes & mouth, itching

Treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis: A lifelong treatment is required for Rheumatoid arthritis which includes physical therapy, muscle strengthening exercises , medications, occasional surgery and a good diet. An alkaline diet is recommended for  Rheumatoid arthritis patients as alkaline action helps in dissolving deposit accumulations around joints/tissues. A good mix of fruits, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates should be part of the diet. Fresh raw vegetables may also be consumed in salad. The diet must include at least two cooked vegetables. In severe conditions, patient should be kept on raw vegetable juice therapy for one week. Juice of green leafy vegetables mixed with carrot, celery, beetroot juices is recommended. Rheumatoid arthritis patients also benefit from consuming fish oil (containing omega 3). 

For centuries, folk medicine have used raw potato juice therapy to treat rheumatic and arthritic conditions. Potato juice in those days was prepared by cutting raw potato into slices and keeping in cold water overnight. In morning, this water could be consumed empty stomach. The juice could alternatively prepared in morning from fresh raw potatoes and diluted (50:50) with water.

Black gingelly seeds have also been found useful in arthritis as they help in preventing frequent joint pains. These seeds must be soaked overnight in water and this water must be taken on an empty stomach in morning along with seeds.  

Joint destruction could be delayed if an aggressive treatment is given to the patient at the onset of the disease. Heat treatments/cold treatments, orthotic and joint protection devices may be used as per recommendations. It is also essential that the patient rests between activities and sleeps for eight to ten hours per night.

Longevity and Rheumatoid arthritis: According to researchers for individuals with Rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease is a major cause for low life expectancy. However, simple changes in life style could reduce risk of heart diseases. Firstly, as bacteria from mouth may get into blood stream and clog arteries it is essential to keep mouth clean, which may require flossing teeth everyday. Patients may consume fatty fish oil and fatty fish as omega 3 present in these could lower risk of heart disease. 2 grams of fish oil everyday/ 14 ounces of fatty fish (Salmon, Sardine, Herring, Tuna) every week is recommended. 

Thursday 27 December 2012

Naturopathy for High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

"Naturopathy" for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

High blood Pressure or Hypertension is a disease of modern age. It is known to be a silent killer. Modern lifestyle, industrial environment and associated physical/mental pressures contribute to stress which results in adrenaline in the blood stream to increase which causes blood pressure to increase.

Pressure in the arteries is caused by heart as it pumps blood. A certain level of pressure in the blood is essential for blood to circulate. However, when the pressure becomes too high it results in hypertension. Hypertension is caused by narrowing of blood vessels called capillaries. As capillaries narrow, heart gets more stressed to pump blood through the blood vessels. The highest pressure reaches during each heart beat is called Systolic pressure and the lowest the pressure reaches between two heartbeats is called diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure indicates activity of the heart and diastolic pressure is the pressure in artery when heart is relaxed, thus it shows condition of blood vessel.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension: Moderately high blood pressure or Hypertension may not show any symptoms for several years. Symptoms may begin with pain in back of head and neck as one walks in morning, which disappears soon. Other symptoms of Hypertension  include dizziness, pain in arms, pain in shoulder area, back and leg, pain in heart area, fatigue, nervous tension, frequent urination, feeling of tiredness. Patient may feel difficulty in breathing. If Hypertension is not treated, it may cause attack, stroke or other conditions such as detachment of retina.
Causes of Hypertension: Major causes of hypertension are fast paced lifestyle and stress. If stress of patients continue for long periods of time, pressure may get permanently raised. Excessive intake of intoxicants, smoking, excessive consumption of tea/coffee, processed foods also disturb simple lifestyle of individuals. Obesity, hardening of arteries, severe constipation and diabetes also lead to high blood pressure. Consuming excessive painkillers,common salt, Fat-rich food items also cause blood pressure to increase. Kidneys also help in controlling high blood pressure. Kidneys secrete a chemical called renin which if secreted in high proportion by kidneys may lead to retention of salts in body leading to increase in volume of blood circulating in body which increases the blood pressure. Therefore, repeated kidney infections may also lead to high blood pressure.

Natural Cure of High Blood Pressure: Although several modern treatments are available for curing high blood pressure, most of these bring down blood pressure artificially without curing the underlying cause. Many times these medicines also have side effects on body. Natural way to deal with hypertension is to remove poisons which lead to hypertension from the system. Patients of Hypertension must always take a well-balanced diet, get regular exercise and take sufficient rest.

The process of healing should begin with adopting an only-fruits diet for atleast 7 days. In this period one should consume fruits thrice a day at an interval of five hours. Banana and jackfruit should not be consumed. Other fruits such as watermelon, orange, pears, apple, mangoes, guava, pineapple are recommended. After this period of one week, milk may be consumed. Patient should make sure that milk is pure, fresh and is boiled only once. The patient may start consuming cereals after two weeks. 

Raw vegetables are recommended for hypertension patients. If cooked vegetables are consumed, patients must ensure that natural juices are retained and not burnt during cooking. Cabbage, Spinach, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Onion, Radish must be consumed raw. If required, lemon juice and little salt should be added for taste. 

Garlic is known to be an effective agent for lowering blood pressure as it can ease spasm of small arteries. Garlic also paces heart and slows pulse. It is also helpful in relieving dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath, gas formation in digestive tract. Two to three capsules are recommended per day.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry) is also effective in lowering blood pressure.Fresh  alma juice ( 1 tablespoon) must be mixed with honey ( 1 tablespoon) and taken every morning. Lemon juice is also found to be effective in controlling high blood pressure.

Recent studies have found that a substance found in watermelon seeds helps in dilating blood vessels and hence lowers blood pressure. Thus consuming water melon is useful for patients of high blood pressure.

Studies have also found that people who consume potassium rich diets have lower incidences of hypertension even if they do not control salt consumption. Studies also revealed that people with hypertension did not get sufficient calcium from dairy sources. Calcium and Potassium are two essential nutrients which help in normal functioning of vascular system and also help in eliminating excess sodium from the body.

Patients suffering from hypertension must ensure that they sleep for at least eight hours everyday as rest is an essential part of treating hypertension. Patients should avoid stress and try to stay happy and cheerful.
Cheers to LIFE

Monday 24 December 2012

Naturopathy for Premature Greying of Hair

Naturopathy for Premature Greying of Hair
Premature greying of hair is a condition in which hair of younger people turn grey. This makes affected younger people look older than they actually are. Hair is made of the same kinds of cells that constitute epidermis, the outermost layer of skin. Hair grows from hair follicles present deep in the epidermis. Hair obtains it blackness, shine and nutrition from sebum, an oily substance secreted by sebaceous glands. Hair obtains its nutrition from bloodstream and cannot obtain it from external sources. 

Causes of Premature Greying of Hair: Faulty diet, mental stress and heredity are main causes of premature greying of hair. Deficiency of B vitamins, Copper, Iron and Iodine in daily diet lead to premature greying of hair. Stress also contributes to greying of hair as it leads to tension in the scalp which interferes with supply of essential nutrients to the hair. Jealousy, Fear, Failures, Anxiety also affect hair health adversely. Weakening of roots due to unclean scalp and blocked pores also causes health of hair to deteriorate. Use of hot water to wash hair and hair dryers for blow-drying hair have adverse impact on hair, specially in early stages of greying. Sinusitis, Anaemia, chronic constipation, chronic cold, use of acid washed hair oils (many factory-made hair oils are acid washed) which may contain residues of acid may lead to grey hair. Premature greying of hair may also be due to heredity factors.

Treatment for Premature Greying of Hair: A nutritious diet is key to naturally curing premature greying of hair. In condition of premature greying, a diet rich in all important nutrients must be consumed regularly. Pantothenic acid (10mg), Para aminobenzoic acid (PABA)(100g) and Inositol(2000mg) are useful in treatment of premature greying of hair. All these vitamins belong to vitamin B family and must be taken regularly such that all these are obtained at one time. Yeast, Wheat germ and liver are good natural sources. These three vitamins can also be produced in intestinal tract by bacteria. Therefore drinking one litre of yogurt, to which 1 tablespoon of yeast is added, before every meal is a very good remedy for treatment and prevention of premature greying of hair. Incase one takes pills of Pantothenic acid and Para aminobenzoic acid (PABA), these be taken in addition to yogurt and yeast and not as a substitute for them. According to world renowned nutritionist Gayelord Hauser, this treatment restores grey hair back to normal. Consumption of seafood for Iron and Iodine is also recommended. Carrots, bananas and other fruits and vegetables are may also meet requirement of Iodine.

Certain other remedies for premature greying are also popular. The Indian Gooseberry or Amla also helps in restoring hair pigmentation and improves hair growth.The Amla must be cut in pieces and dried in shade. Now these pieces must be boiled in coconut oil till solid mass is turned into charred dust. The dark oil thus obtained is effective in treating premature grey hair. Another effective remedy is use water, in which dried Amla pieces are overnight soaked, as last rinse after washing hair. Massaging scalp every night with a mix of alma juice (1 teaspoon) , almond oil (1 teaspoon) and few drops of lime juice is also helpful in treating grey hair.
Consuming plenty of Curry leaves also helps in condition of premature greying. Curry leaves boiled in coconut oil makes a very useful tonic for hair. It prevents premature greying and helps in bringing back pigmentation of hair. Curry leaves strengthen hair roots. Butter prepared from cow milk is also known as a natural cure for premature greying of hair. Small amount of this butter must be consumed and remaining could be used for massaging hair. Another excellent remedy for naturally treating premature hair is massaging coconut coil treated with torai or ribbed gourd. Torai should be cut into pieces and dried in shade. These dried pieces must be kept aside soaked in coconut oil for three to four days. Thereafter the oil and torai mix should be boiled until solid mass turns into black residue.

Natural Hair Dye: For darkening grey hair, apply dark oil obtained from boiling henna or mehendi paste in coconut oil. Paste of Henna can be directly applied to hair and washed after few hours. Concentrated tea extract is also useful in darkening grey hair. Tea extract could be used for washing hair once in every 3 days.  

Cheers to LIFE

Sunday 23 December 2012

Naturopathy for Backache:-

Naturopathy for Backache:-

Backache is perhaps one of the most prevalent conditions of the modern world. It may get accentuated by sedentary habits and harmful work requirements. Psychological conditions such as stress which causes spasm of muscles may also lead to backache. Backache is known to also affect several overweight people as they need to carry extra body weight. 

Muscles, bone and tissues come together to form a complex structure called back. Spine consists of 24 bone blocks which are piled up over one another and are separated from each other by cartilage cushion & elastics tissues known as intervertebral discs. These discs facilitate mobility and act as shock absorbers for the back. When these discs rupture and slightly protrude the condition is called slipped disc. In this condition nerve gets affected in such a manner that pain moves down to thigh and leg. If the disc protrudes in the neck area, numbness occurs and the pain moves to arms. In fact, problems related to disc do not suddenly occur but build over time. Bones, joint muscles, discs and nerves are closely interrelated and any injury in back or neck may have adverse effects. Vertebrae, spinal cord and spinal nerves stay protected by backbone. 

Symptoms of Backache: Backache symptoms include pain in middle or lower portion of back. The pain may reach waist/hips. In condition of acute pain a patient may remain bedridden. Cervical or lumber spondylosis is most common and almost 9 out of 10 people with backache suffer from it. Spondylosis is degenerative, in this condition vertebral bone/ intervertebral disc turns soft and looses shape.

Causes of Backache: Primary causes of backache are strain in muscle, inappropriate posture, poor diet and lack of exercise. When muscles are not regularly exercised, weakness persists leading to increased chances of injury. Other causes of backache include chronic kidney or prostrate disorders, arthritis, influenza, female problems, stress, wearing high heels, lifting weights inappropriately.

Natural treatment of Backache: Although many medicines are available in the market which temporarily relieve pain, most of these medicines relax muscles without curing the underlying cause. Medicines taken to temporarily relieve pain may have side effects in long run. Therefore it is essential to understand the cause of backache and  then cure it.

- In order to prevent backache those following a sedentary lifestyle must keep themselves active by regularly exercising. Exercise helps in supplying essential nutrients to discs and maintaining their health for long. Swimming, Walking, Cycling are considered good exercises for relieving backache. Loosing excessive weight is also advised. If occupation requires one to keep sitting at a position for long hours, standing up every hour for a break is advised.

- One must avoid sleeping on very soft mattresses and replace them with firm ones. Sleeping on sides with knees bent perpendicular to Torso is recommended. Bending from waist to pick anything is not recommended. One could squat and bend knees while keeping back straight for picking up anything. Afterwards, slowly rising up is recommended.

- For relieving neck strain, one should exercise neck by rotating head clockwise and anti-clockwise, let the head fall backward and forward, turn head right and left many times. These exercises will help in relieving stress of contracted muscles and improve blood circulation.

- Patients suffering from backache must have a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables such as raw tomato, cabbage, cucumber, radish, carrot, lettuce and slightly cooked/steamed vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, carrot. All fresh fruits except banana are recommended. Oily, spicy foods must be avoided. Patients must stay away from coffee, tees and completely give up tobacco in any form. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus and Proteins are essential for development of healthy bone structure.

- For immediate relief, hot fomentations are effective.

- Asanas such as Bhujangasan, Halasan, Shavasan, Shalabhasan, Uttanpadasan are effective. Such modifications in diet and lifestyle will not only relieve backache but also improve general health.

Cheers to LIFE


Saturday 22 December 2012

Naturopathy for Dandruff

Naturopathy for Dandruff
Dandruff is flaking skin of scalp which keeps falling on shoulders and clothes as white colored flakes. The condition of dandruff is often accompanied with irritation and often accompanied with scales on scalp.

Symptoms of Dandruff: Dandruff may be visible as lumps on the scalp. On brushing the scaliness increases.

Causes of Dandruff: Dandruff is mainly caused due to general poor health, improper diet leading to toxic condition of system, constipation, low vitality due to infectious diseases. Stress, harsh chemicals of shampoos, exposure to cold may also lead to dandruff.

Natural treatment for Dandruff: Although several anti-dandruff shampoos are available in the market, harsh chemicals in most of these damage hair roots which may lead to irreparable damage. The first step to cure dandruff naturally is to keep hair and scalp clean so that dead cells do not get accumulated. It is important to brush hair everyday as it improves blood circulation and removes any flakiness. For brushing hair, bend from waist forward and keep head down towards ground. Now, brush hair from nape of neck to the top of head. For long hair two strokes should be fine to minimize stretching. Short hair can be managed in one stroke. 

Massage of scalp is essential everyday. Before brushing or after brushing, massage scalp with fingertips. This improves blood circulation and growth of hair. For administering a good massage, fanwise spread your fingers and slip through your hair. Press thumbs behind ears and go down your scalp using your fingertips. Now, help your scalp move over the boney structure of your head by rotating your fingers. Observe tingle as the skin moves. While moving up, just go one inch at a time until the entire scalp is covered. The massage will take just few minutes of your time. 

Fenugreek (methi) remedy has also been found useful in condition of dandruff. Overnight soak one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water. In morning ground these soft fenugreek seeds into a fine paste. Apply this paste into your scalp and leave for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wash your scalp using soapnut (ritha) or shikakai solution. 

Using one teaspoon of fresh lime juice for last rinse is also beneficial as it leaves hair clean, glowing and removes stickiness. This prevents dandruff. Hair wash twice every week with green gram powder mixed with curd is another remedy for dandruff. Massaging hair with curd ( kept in open for 3 days) or few drops of lime juice mixed with alma juice, every night is another useful remedy. To counteract dandruff, cinder vinegar can also be used. Mix cinder vinegar and water in equal proportions, use cotton wool to dab this mix onto scalp in between shampooing. Adding cinder vinegar to the final rinse also helps in dispersing dandruff. 

In condition of dandruff it is advisable to have a well-balanced diet. To begin with, follow an all-fruit diet for first five days. Take three meals of fresh juicy fruits every day. Avoid citrus fruits, canned fruits, bananas and dried fruits. Drink only unsweetened hot or cold, plain or lemon water during these five days. Take warm water enema everyday to cleanse the system during this period. After this five day period, slowly move on to a well balanced diet regime. Eat plenty of raw foods, sprouts, whole grain cereals as part of the balanced diet. Resorting to an all-fruit diet for smaller duration of 3 days should be continued on a monthly basis till the skin condition improves.

Exposing head to sunlight for sometime is also useful for treating dandruff. Restrict consumption of fatty, starchy, processed foods and products made with all-purpose floor (maida) and sugar. Keeping body and mind in good state of health will help in treating dandruff. 
"Cheers to life"

गुड के औषधीय गुण:-

गुड़ गन्ने से तैयार एक शुद्ध, अपरिष्कृत पूरी चीनी है। यह खनिज और विटामिन है जो मूल रूप से गन्ने के रस में ही मौजूद हैं। यह प्राकृतिक होता है। पर लिए ज़रूरी है की देशी गुड लिया जाए , जिसके रंग साफ़ करने में सोडा या अन्य केमिकल ना हो। यह थोड़े गहरे रंग का होगा।इसे चीनी का शुद्धतम रूप माना जाता है। गुड़ का उपयोग मूलतः दक्षिण एशिया मे किया जाता है। भारत के ग्रामीण इलाकों मे गुड़ का उपयोग चीनी के स्थान पर किया जाता है। गुड़ लोहतत्व का एक प्रमुख स्रोत है और रक्ताल्पता (एनीमिया) के शिकार व्यक्ति को चीनी के स्थान पर इसके सेवन की सलाह दी जाती है। आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा के अनुसार गुड़ का उपभोग गले और फेफड़ों के संक्रमण के उपचार में लाभदायक होता है।

- देशी गुड़ प्राकृतिक रुप से तैयार किया जाता है तथा कोई रसायन इसके प्रसंस्करण के लिए उपयोग नहीं किया जाता है, जिससे इसे अपने मूल गुण को नहीं खोना पड़ता है, इसलिए यह लवण जैसे महत्वपूर्ण खनिज से युक्त होता है।
- गुड़ सुक्रोज और ग्लूकोज जो शरीर के स्वस्थ संचालन के लिए आवश्यक खनिज और विटामिन का एक अच्छा स्रोत है।
- गुड़ मैग्नीशियम का भी एक अच्छा स्रोत है जिससे मांसपेशियों, नसों और रक्त वाहिकाओं को थकान से राहत मिलती है।
- गुड़ सोडियम की कम मात्रा के साथ-साथ पोटेशियम का भी एक अच्छा स्रोत है, इससे रक्तचाप को नियंत्रित बनाए रखने में मदद मिलती है।
- भोजन के बाद थोडा सा गुड खा ले ; सारा भोजन अच्छे से और जल्दी पच जाएगा।
- गुड़ रक्तहीनता से पीड़ित लोगों के लिए बहुत अच्छा है, क्योंकि यह लोहे का एक अच्छा स्रोत है यह शरीर में हीमोग्लोबिन स्तर को बढाने में मदद करता है।
- यह सेलेनियम के साथ एक एंटीऑक्सीडेंट के रूप में कार्य करता है।
- गुड़ में मध्यम मात्रा में कैल्शियम, फास्फोरस और जस्ता होता है जो बेहतर स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है।
- यह रक्त की शुद्धि में भी मदद करता है, पित्त की आमवाती वेदनाओं और विकारों को रोकने के साथ साथ गुड़ पीलिया के इलाज में भी मदद करता है।
- गुड़ शरीर को विषाक्त पदार्थों से छुटकारा पाने में मदद करता है। सर्दियों में, यह शरीर के तापमान को विनियमित करने में मदद करता है।
- यह खांसी, दमा, अपच, माइग्रेन, थकान व इसी तरह की अन्य स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी समस्याओं से निपटने में मदद करता है। - यह संकट के दौरान तुरन्त ऊर्जा देता है।
- लड़कियों के मासिक धर्म को नियमित करने यह मददगार होता है।
- गुड़ गले और फेफड़ों के संक्रमण के इलाज में फायदेमंद होता है।
- यह व्यक्ति के तंत्रिका तंत्र को मजबूत करने में सहायक होता है।
- गुड़ शरीर में जल के अवधारण को कम करके शरीर के वजन को नियंत्रित करता है।
- उपरोक्त गुणों के अतिरिक्त गुड़ उच्च स्तरीय वायु प्रदूषण में रहने वाले लोगों को इससे लड़ने में मदद करता है, संक्षेप में कहें, तो गुड़ एक खाद्य पदार्थ कम, औषधि ज्यादा है।

Naturopathy for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by red, silvery, thick patches on skin. The disease affects both males and females equally and generally appears first between 15 and 30 years of age. The disease is not contagious.

Symptoms of Psoriasis: In condition of Psoriasis skin may appear red, itchy/irritated and may be covered with silvery scales. The disease generally appears in knees, skin, elbows, trunk, scalp and skin behind ears. It may also appear in genital areas and underarm. The lesions in Psoriasis occur in various sizes, these may be quite small to be visible or may be so large as to cover large body parts. These liaisons are generally dry and do not get infected.

Causes of Psoriasis: The exact cause of Psoriasis has not been identified by the modern medical system. Some studies have shown that Psoriasis occurs due to abnormality in the way skin grows/replaces itself. Metabolism of amino acids impacts this. Psoriasis is also known to run in families over generations and approximately 30 percent of Psoriasis patients have family history. Triggers of Psoriasis include burns, cuts, abrasions, emotional stress, changing seasons and certain medicines.

Naturopathy Treatment for Psoriasis: Since condition of Psoriasis is directly related to metabolic disorders, it is essential to cure metabolic disorder through seven days of juice fasting. Freshly extracted juices of carrot, beetroot, grapes and cucumber are useful. One must avoid citrus fruit juices. For cleansing bowels everyday, warm water enema could be used. Once juice fast has been completed by the patient, he must start diet based on three food groups - Vegetables; Seeds, Nuts & Grains; Fruits. The focus should be on consumption of raw seeds (such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds)  and raw fruits & vegetables. In this diet, the patient must avoid animal fats including eggs, milk, butter. Other items to be avoided include Tea & Coffee and food items containing white sugar or hydrogenated fats. When good improvement in condition of Psoriasis is observed, the patient may add Goat milk, cottage cheese prepared at home and yogurt. This diet must be continued for four weeks. Afterwards, the patient may restart Juice fast.

In condition of Psoriasis, Vitamin E consumption has also proved to be effective in reducing itching and scabs. 200-800 IU of Vitamin E per day could be consumed by the patient. In treatment of Psoriasis, Lecithin consumption has also been proved very effective. 6-9 capsules of Lecithin capsules could be consumed by Psoriasis patient every day. Alternatively, in terms of granules, one may consume four tablespoonfuls every day for a period on 2 months and reduce consumption to two tablespoonfuls thereafter.

The patient must avoid bathing very frequently and avoid soaps. Application of sea water on affected areas once a day will be beneficial. Epsom Salt baths have been found to be effective in Psoriasis. Three complete baths are recommended every week until the condition of Psoriasis improves. Thereafter, number of baths may be reduced to two and subsequently to one.

Mud packs of clay have also been successfully used for treating Psoriasis. Make mud pack by mixing clay with some water and apply to psoriasis affected area. When the pack dries, remove it and apply fresh pack. Mud packs have tendency to absorb toxins from affected areas and thus help in removing toxins from the area. 

For some patients, exposure to sunlight positively affects Psoriasis. Such patients must expose affected parts to sunlight. Compresses of cabbage (preferably of outermost leaves) have also been found to be effective in treating Psoriasis. Cabbage leave used for making the compress must be cleaned with warm water and wiped with a clean towel. The leave must be carefully rolled and wrapped inside a soft woolen cloth. 

Regular exercise, fresh air and breathing exercises have good effect in condition of Psoriasis. It also promotes overall wellbeing of the patient. One must try to avoid all kinds of stress and take adequate rest. 


Friday 21 December 2012

Are You Nourishing Your Soul

“Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.” – Cicero, the Roman philosopher

While many of us regularly spend some time taking care of our health, these efforts are usually focused only on our physical well-being. We rarely focus enough on our emotional and mental health and most importantly on our spiritual well-being. Nourishing our soul is arguably the most important agenda we ought to be attending to in human life.

Spiritual well-being 

Spiritual well-being is related to our level of self-awareness, clarity about the purpose of our life and a connection with something larger than ourselves. It is about knowing who we are, what our place in this universe is, and the extent of our interconnectedness with the universe. Soul is the part of us that is eternal and connects us with everything else; spiritual growth is fodder for the soul.
Spiritual development dictates gaining clarity on the purpose of our life and committing to that purpose provides strength to our soul in its own eternal journey. As the soul gets nourished, its energy reverberates in our physical, mental and emotional state as well. On the one hand, it fills us with peace and calm; on the other, it inspires our mind and body towards meaningful action.
An expanded level of self-awareness includes building awareness of the true self – the Self that never dies and is never born, but just takes on different forms. Consciousness of our core being helps dilute our habitual attachment with our ego and guides us towards the principles of letting go, being present in the moment, and maintaining equanimity under all situations. Progress in this area gives greater meaning to our life and helps us to be happier, compassionate and feel fulfilled.

It is the key to our human experience

“You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” – C.S. Lewis

While different aspects of our well-being are all important, spiritual well-being is perhaps the most crucial. Our soul is our eternal core and its evolution is at the heart of our spiritual progress. If the deepest purpose of a human life is to transcend oneself and become one with the divine, then the purpose of physical, mental and emotional well-being is to be the means to accomplishing that end.
Accordingly, we need to take care of our bodies so we increase our lifespan – not to indulge in greater pleasure, but to have a better shot at healing and nurturing our soul; pay attention to healing our mind, so we can gain an intellectual grasp of the spiritual concepts; and heal our emotional past, in order to open our hearts and soul to greater love, connectedness, giving and receiving.


15 Herbs and Spices for Weight Loss

15 Herbs and Spices for Weight Loss

Herbs and spices have amazing properties which help in losing weight. Adding certain herbs and spices to daily diet not only improves health  but also adds taste and flavor to food. Lets us evaluate 15 herbs and spices useful in weight loss.

Basil (Tulsi): Holy Basil is believed to have the property to lower the level of cortisol related to stress. As a response to stress, human body elevates the level of cortisol which is primarily responsible for increasing blood sugar through glycogenolysis and suppressing the immune system. Therefore, sustained high stereo condition may result in weight gain and poor health. Basil works as a nerve calming agent by keeping the cortisol levels low.

Coriander: Fresh coriander leaves are typically used in chutneys (sauces), curries and salads. Dried coriander seeds are used to flavor vegetables and curries. It has aromatic properties and it is a natural diuretic. It stimulates digestive process and help flush out impurities from the system. It helps to reduce water retention, cholesterol and regulates insulin level and thus helps in weight loss.

Turmeric: Bright yellow spice is consumed in dried powder for as well as a fresh herb. It is relatively more popular in south east Asian countries and is a part of almost every curry dish. Turmeric helps in regulating body mechanism and in breaking down fat. A Columbia University research has shown that turmeric is effective in reducing the chances of diabetes.

Cardamom: It helps in boosting metabolism and also in keeping our digestive system healthy. It is low in saturated fat.

Alfalfa: It is a great herb for weight loss. Alfalfa is a natural detox and it works by cleaning lever and digestive system for their optimal functioning. It boosts metabolism, aids in digestion, increase energy and also boosts the immune system.

Mustard: A research from Oxford Polytechnic Institute of England has revealed that body's metabolism rate can be improved by 25%, if one consumes one teaspoon of mustard. It has great weight loss properties.

Jalapeno: Jalapeno and other peppers contain capsaicin which works as a thermogenic agent. It helps in heating up the body and in the process consumes energy which comes for fat. It boosts the metabolism rate and at the same time it is also heart healthy as it does not increase the heart rate. It also helps in lowering cholesterol.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon helps in reducing the blood sugar and increasing insulin levels, and hence lower the chance of pre diabetes. It also boosts metabolism and lowers LDL cholesterol which in turn controls obesity.

Ginseng: University of Maryland research has shown that Panax Ginseng has weight loss properties. Many forms of ginseng are effective in speeding up metabolism rate and hence help body burn out more calories.

Parsley: Parsley flush any excessive fluids from the body by acting as a mild diuretic. It is very effective for people having the water retention condition. Parsley is very nutritious, it has high levels of Vitamin A and C and minerals such as potassium, calcium,and phosphorus. It also has anti-oxidation properties and helps keeping cholesterol level low.

Cumin: It boosts our immune system. It helps in burning out calories by assisting the digestive process. Research has shown that cumin is also effective in the cases of Arthritis, Asthma and Kidney diseases.

Pepper: Pepper contains piperine that boosts metabolism. Pepper also assists absorption of certain nutrients in the body. It is advisable to use freshly grounded pepper in your food as the concentration of key component- piperine is high.

Dandelions: Raw dandelion can be consumed as salads. Nutritiously, it is among the top four vegetables and it helps in cleaning the body. It also makes you feel full for a longer period of time as it slow down the digestion.

Ginger: Ginger boosts metabolism and raises body temperature. It helps in removing toxins and aids digestion. Ginger is also known to suppress appetite important for weight loss.

Cayenne Pepper: Research from Purdue university has shown that Cayenne pepper can improve metabolism. This is because of the presence of capsaicin which helps in burning fat and suppressing appetite.



- सुबह उठ कर २ से ४ ग्लास पानी पीना चाहिए . इसके साथ अपनी प्रकृति के
अनुसार कोई ना कोई आयुर्वेदिक औषधि लेनी चाहिए . वात या पित्त प्रवृत्ति
के लोगों को आंवला , एलो वेरा , या बेल पत्र या नीम पत्र या वात प्रवृत्ति वालों को मेथी दाना (भिगोया हुआ ); थायरोइड के मरीजों को भिगोया हुआ धनिया ,कफ प्रवृत्ति के लोगों को तुलसी , कम रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता वालों को गिलोय घनवटी . इस प्रकार से रूटीन बना ले .

- खाली पेट चाय पीने से एसिडिटी की समस्या बढ़ सकती है .

- चाय का पानी उबालते समय उसमे ऋतू अनुसार कोई ना कोई जड़ी बूटी अवश्य डाले .अदरक चाय के बुरे गुणों को कम करता है .

- सुबह घुमने जाते समय अपने आस पास के वृक्षों और पौधों पर नज़र डाले .
इनका आयुर्वेदिक महत्त्व समझे और इसके बारे में जानकारी फैलाइए . ताकि
लोग इन्हें संरक्षण दे और काटे नहीं .इसमें कोई ना कोई जड़ी बूटी अपनी चाय
के लिए चुन ले .

- हार्ट के मरीजों को अर्जुन की छाल चाय में डालनी चाहिए

- शकर जितनी कम डालेंगे हमारी आदत सुधरती जायेगी और मोटापा कम होता जाएगा .

- सफ़ेद शकर की जगह मधुरम का प्रयोग करे .

- चाय में तुलसी , इलायची , लेमन ग्रास , अश्वगंधा या दालचीनी डाली जा सकती है .

- चाय के पानी में थोड़ी देर दिव्य पेय डाल कर उबाले .

- राजीव भाई ने बताया था के वाग्भट के अष्टांग हृदयम में बताये गए
सूत्रों के अनुसार दूध सुबह नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए पर ये काढ़े के साथ
लिया जा सकता है . अगर हम चाय के पानी में दिव्य पेय या कोई भी जड़ी बूटी
डाल कर ५-१० मी . उबाल ले तो ये एक काढा ही तैयार हो जाएगा . अब इसमें
हम दूध डाल के ले सकते है .

- जो बच्चें मौसम बदलने पर बार बार बीमार पड़ते है उन्हें रोज़ थोड़ी चाय
(जड़ी बूटी वाली ) दी जानी चाहिए .पेट गड़बड़ होने पर भी बच्चों को चाय
देनी चाहिए .

- चाय के साथ कोई नमकीन पदार्थ ना ले क्योंकि इसमें दूध होता है जिसके
साथ अगर नमक लिया जाए तो ये ज़हर पैदा करता है जिससे त्वचा रोग भी हो सकते है .

- चाय कम स्ट्रोंग पीनी चाहिए .

- दिन में २ कप से अधिक चाय कभी ना ले.

- चाय हमेशा स्वदेशी ब्रांड की ही ले ताकि हम सुबह का पहला काम तो देश
के नाम कर सके.

- जो शाकाहारी है वे चाय बोन चायना के कप में ना ले क्योंकि ये कप
हड्डियों के चूरे से ही बनाए जाते है .


8 Ways Yoga Can Promote Weight Loss

8 Ways Yoga Can Promote Weight Loss:-

Yoga as an ancient science has always been about the benefit that it brings to the practitioner. It would only be a dogmatic position that states it is only for spiritual elevation and nothing more. Yoga is a tool that helps the body, mind and spirit. It can be used as needed according to each individual’s requirements. In today’s day and age western society is suffering from an epidemic of obesity. It needs as many healthy long-term approaches to weight loss as possible. The first and most obvious approach that addresses underlying causes is to eat healthy nutrient dense organic foods. Another way is to use the ancient science of yoga. I have seen through my work as a yoga teacher that the two combined will certainly yield amazing results!

Most weight gain is not simply a matter of too many calories taken in for the calories spent. Most weight gain is just symptomatic of serious underlying causes. When each of the eight areas of health listed in this article become out of balance, then these tend to be the major causes weight gain. If the corresponding yoga postures are practiced under the guidance of a good teacher then very quickly the causes can be addressed and the benefits will show. Not only will the excess weight be quickly shed, but health will also be restored.

1. Stimulate the vital force of the liver

The liver has many essential functions. It is an extremely powerful detoxifier and cleanser. It purifies your blood. It processes fats, both good and bad kinds. If the liver is healthy and strong it can dispose of bad fats and put good fats to work for you. It gives you energy by storing the glucose and making coenzyme Q10 that powers your muscles. By doing certain yoga postures you are strengthening the vital force of the liver in profound ways that will bring it to optimum functioning.

The best postures for the liver are mainly backbends:

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
Dhanurasana (bow pose)
Chakrasana (wheel pose)
Matsyendrasana (spinal twist)

2. Activate the thyroid gland

The thyroid secretes a hormone that regulates our metabolism. One of the main factors that defines whether we have a high metabolism that burns a lot of fat is whether our thyroid is active or not. Many people who suffer from weight gain have hypothyroidism ("hypo-" meaning low). There are certain postures that help to correct this dysfunction:

Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
Matsyasana (fish pose)

3. Create the right pH balance – Alkalize!

If the body is too acidic (low pH), then the body will attempt to protect itself from the acid by storing fat and using it as a buffer. This is extremely dangerous because the visceral fat (the kind inside the organs and blood vesicles) accumulates within the veins and arteries, narrowing the passage available for the blood and gradually obstructs the activity of the blood vessels. As a result, the heart is forced to overwork just to maintain the blood circulation. If this continues to happen then the heart gets exhausted and a heart attack occurs. This is known as arteriosclerosis. So the pH balance of the body is extremely important. The ideal pH balance is about 7.35. And most people struggling with their weight are too acidic.

Some of the best postures to increase alkalinity are:

Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)
Janushirasana (head to knee pose)

4. Find the right balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

A lot of overweight people’s bodies are under an immense amount f stress. Their nervous system is under pressure from lifestyle choices.They often sit at a desk out of the healing sun, under neon lighting. They breathe stale, air-conditioned air instead of fresh, clean, oxygen-rich air.

They stare at a computer screen for hours instead of looking at nature. They often feel rushed to meet deadlines and busy schedules. And if the nervous system is under stress then it will set of a chain reaction in the rest of the body. The body needs to be relaxed and soothed. This requires finding the right balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The best yoga postures for this are:

Savasana (corpse pose)
Viparita Karani (legs up the wall)

5. Activate the internal heat in the nervous system.

There are many people who think that going to a hot yoga class is the best way to loose weight. That is far from the truth. Ancient yogis never heated their caves or hermitage in the Himalayas to 40 degrees just so they could practice asanas in the morning. They created warmth in the body through generating internal heat by creating nerve tension/length. This is the best way. This automatically makes the body feel warmer. This can be achieved by drawing the chin towards the chest in forward bends, thereby lengthening the femoral nerve and the spinal nerves. This heat burns up and purifies visceral (deep) fat and subcutaneous (superficial) fat. The best postures for this are:

Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)
Anjaneyasana (lunge)

In both postures, the head must draw downward actively.

6. Move the body with strength.

Any yoga position that requires you to be active, either as you shorten or lengthen the muscles, will help with weight loss. This is because muscles are active tissue that consume fat as fuel. If you build strong muscles they will be eating your fat stores even when you are resting. That is why strength work is very good for weight loss.

Arm balancing postures are great for this. Even basic arm balancing poses are great because they often engage every muscle, not just the arms or shoulders, but also the abdominals and legs.

Some great postures for this are:

Bakasana (crane)
Pincha Mayurasana (feathered peacock)
Tolasana (scale pose)
Chaturanga (plank)

7. Get your heart rate up.

Many people think that getting the heart rate up through jogging is a good way to lose weight. Research shows that this is a misconception, and it is not a good way to lose weight at all. It can make a stressed nervous system even more exhausted, and lead to adrenal fatigue. What is much better for weight loss is getting the heart rate up for a very short burst and then dropping it right down, then getting it up and then dropping it down. This can certainly be achieved by an intelligent yoga practice.

Starting in a standing position at the front of your mat, do two slow rounds of Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) and then come back to standing and connect with your heart with palms together and eyes closed for a moment. Then repeat it again, perhaps this time making the pace a little faster. Continue a few rounds like this and you will have your heart rate at an optimum level; without the tiring and jarring effects your body gets from jogging.

8. Cleansing the colon

Many people have food matter blocked up in their colon. This makes them bloated. Severe bloating can appear as obesity. Eventually if left untreated it can poison the blood and leads to disease.

There is a saying that, ‘disease begins in the gut.’ There is certainly some truth to that. Some people who consume a lot of meat or already struggle with a constipated colon should certainly not do any inversions for this reason, because the putrefied blood will rush to the higher organs and it will disturb the mind. Colonic irrigation may be beneficial in those cases. Drinking water free of chemicals like sodium fluoride and chlorine is essential because water will help flush the waste away, but the chemicals dumped into most western public water supplies will kill off good intestinal flora, and therefore should be avoided. Purchasing a good water filter is an excellent idea.

There are many yoga postures, mudras, and bandhas that cleanse the colon. Many are for the advanced practitioner. Some basic ones are:

Utks'epa Mudra (bellow’s pose) to be done first thing in the morning upon waking Agnisara Mudra (fire pose)

Some advanced ones are:

Mayurasana (peacock pose)
Nauli kriya

All the suggested postures should only be practiced on an empty stomach. They should be used under the guidance of a good yoga teacher. If they are used daily, correctly and consistently, in combination with good food habits, then balance will return to the body and mind and the health of the practitioner will be restored quickly.

"Cheers To LIFE"