Saturday 22 December 2012

Naturopathy for Dandruff

Naturopathy for Dandruff
Dandruff is flaking skin of scalp which keeps falling on shoulders and clothes as white colored flakes. The condition of dandruff is often accompanied with irritation and often accompanied with scales on scalp.

Symptoms of Dandruff: Dandruff may be visible as lumps on the scalp. On brushing the scaliness increases.

Causes of Dandruff: Dandruff is mainly caused due to general poor health, improper diet leading to toxic condition of system, constipation, low vitality due to infectious diseases. Stress, harsh chemicals of shampoos, exposure to cold may also lead to dandruff.

Natural treatment for Dandruff: Although several anti-dandruff shampoos are available in the market, harsh chemicals in most of these damage hair roots which may lead to irreparable damage. The first step to cure dandruff naturally is to keep hair and scalp clean so that dead cells do not get accumulated. It is important to brush hair everyday as it improves blood circulation and removes any flakiness. For brushing hair, bend from waist forward and keep head down towards ground. Now, brush hair from nape of neck to the top of head. For long hair two strokes should be fine to minimize stretching. Short hair can be managed in one stroke. 

Massage of scalp is essential everyday. Before brushing or after brushing, massage scalp with fingertips. This improves blood circulation and growth of hair. For administering a good massage, fanwise spread your fingers and slip through your hair. Press thumbs behind ears and go down your scalp using your fingertips. Now, help your scalp move over the boney structure of your head by rotating your fingers. Observe tingle as the skin moves. While moving up, just go one inch at a time until the entire scalp is covered. The massage will take just few minutes of your time. 

Fenugreek (methi) remedy has also been found useful in condition of dandruff. Overnight soak one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water. In morning ground these soft fenugreek seeds into a fine paste. Apply this paste into your scalp and leave for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wash your scalp using soapnut (ritha) or shikakai solution. 

Using one teaspoon of fresh lime juice for last rinse is also beneficial as it leaves hair clean, glowing and removes stickiness. This prevents dandruff. Hair wash twice every week with green gram powder mixed with curd is another remedy for dandruff. Massaging hair with curd ( kept in open for 3 days) or few drops of lime juice mixed with alma juice, every night is another useful remedy. To counteract dandruff, cinder vinegar can also be used. Mix cinder vinegar and water in equal proportions, use cotton wool to dab this mix onto scalp in between shampooing. Adding cinder vinegar to the final rinse also helps in dispersing dandruff. 

In condition of dandruff it is advisable to have a well-balanced diet. To begin with, follow an all-fruit diet for first five days. Take three meals of fresh juicy fruits every day. Avoid citrus fruits, canned fruits, bananas and dried fruits. Drink only unsweetened hot or cold, plain or lemon water during these five days. Take warm water enema everyday to cleanse the system during this period. After this five day period, slowly move on to a well balanced diet regime. Eat plenty of raw foods, sprouts, whole grain cereals as part of the balanced diet. Resorting to an all-fruit diet for smaller duration of 3 days should be continued on a monthly basis till the skin condition improves.

Exposing head to sunlight for sometime is also useful for treating dandruff. Restrict consumption of fatty, starchy, processed foods and products made with all-purpose floor (maida) and sugar. Keeping body and mind in good state of health will help in treating dandruff. 
"Cheers to life"


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