Friday 21 December 2012

Are You Nourishing Your Soul

“Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.” – Cicero, the Roman philosopher

While many of us regularly spend some time taking care of our health, these efforts are usually focused only on our physical well-being. We rarely focus enough on our emotional and mental health and most importantly on our spiritual well-being. Nourishing our soul is arguably the most important agenda we ought to be attending to in human life.

Spiritual well-being 

Spiritual well-being is related to our level of self-awareness, clarity about the purpose of our life and a connection with something larger than ourselves. It is about knowing who we are, what our place in this universe is, and the extent of our interconnectedness with the universe. Soul is the part of us that is eternal and connects us with everything else; spiritual growth is fodder for the soul.
Spiritual development dictates gaining clarity on the purpose of our life and committing to that purpose provides strength to our soul in its own eternal journey. As the soul gets nourished, its energy reverberates in our physical, mental and emotional state as well. On the one hand, it fills us with peace and calm; on the other, it inspires our mind and body towards meaningful action.
An expanded level of self-awareness includes building awareness of the true self – the Self that never dies and is never born, but just takes on different forms. Consciousness of our core being helps dilute our habitual attachment with our ego and guides us towards the principles of letting go, being present in the moment, and maintaining equanimity under all situations. Progress in this area gives greater meaning to our life and helps us to be happier, compassionate and feel fulfilled.

It is the key to our human experience

“You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” – C.S. Lewis

While different aspects of our well-being are all important, spiritual well-being is perhaps the most crucial. Our soul is our eternal core and its evolution is at the heart of our spiritual progress. If the deepest purpose of a human life is to transcend oneself and become one with the divine, then the purpose of physical, mental and emotional well-being is to be the means to accomplishing that end.
Accordingly, we need to take care of our bodies so we increase our lifespan – not to indulge in greater pleasure, but to have a better shot at healing and nurturing our soul; pay attention to healing our mind, so we can gain an intellectual grasp of the spiritual concepts; and heal our emotional past, in order to open our hearts and soul to greater love, connectedness, giving and receiving.


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